October. The 4th quarter is fully in action, and it’s time to think ahead to next year’s word.

Yep. Next year. One word. Why? Because this is where our focus will be for the next 12 -14 months. It’s like a goal that becomes all encompassing of many goals. This is how many of the Leadership Harbor Coaches center their goals for the year. This is how Leadership Harbor creates its focus for the year.
For instance….
2020 (Clarity) - Clarity in Vision
What a laugh, right?! Guess what? It helped us keep our focus on the right things all year. The plan changed - about a hundred times over - but the focus didn’t. There were some quick changes made - some worked out very well and will continue. Some worked for the season and we have bid them adieu. Even in the high stress of what will happen to the business? What will happen to our extended family? When will we get to be with people again? Actually, that last one was mostly just me. Some of “my people” handled a more solitary life quite well.
2021 (Change) - Change Begins With One
One word.
One action each day toward our goal.
And who didn’t need a change flipping into the new year after Covid Quarantine? 2020 to 202one. Clever right?
We built all of our marketing and services/workshops around this thought. Even our focus for Live2Lead workshops.
Want to know how it helped?
Our team grew in numbers, one new coach at a time. First we added Dax who assisted Chris with one new program for 3rd - 5th graders (Remix Crew Club). Jody & David jumped in at the end of April. Each has brought about one new direction/lane of coaching. Jody is providing practical financial peace. David brings his incredible journey to a point through Wellness from the mindset point of view. Zac joined the team in August and opened an entire new field of expertise through his focus in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion training. We went from 4 team members to 8, and here’s a bit of a hint - we aren’t done growing!
Brian, through a series of intentional steps on his part (and my part), was able to transition from his corporate job to our dream team October 1. There were days we didn’t know if we were going to pull it off by the end of 2021.
Our profitability grew too. We have been able to double our revenue from the year before. Seriously. This focus stuff works!
We also applied this phrase to our personal lives.
Obviously Brian’s job change applies both personally and professionally. It also helped us in another way. You know the projects you want done around your house? Those life dreams that you’ve put on the shelf until there is time or money? Well we dusted off a few of those and pulled them from the shelf - one at a time. We’ve knocked off 3 big projects and will probably complete a 4th before the year is out.
One daily action... toward our goals, keeping our focus on our values and our ‘why’, have moved the proverbial chains down the field.
We will be working on our focus for next year soon - well… There are already a few ideas gathered. We just need to finalize the decision. What will your word be? How will you be accountable to that word? What phrase can drive you personally and/or professionally?
If you look back at the past 18 months… 12 months… 6 months… 3 months… and you aren’t making as much forward progress as you would like, please consider joining us in choosing a word and living into it intentionally through 2022. If you haven't taken advantage of a complimentary discovery session with a Leadership Harbor coach yet, this would be a great topic and reason to check it out.
It’s amazing what a single word can do!
Take care.