Lesson’s on uniting from Disney’s Wish
Hey friends!
Let’s step back into Walt Disney’s movie, Wish.
Now, in the town of Rosas, there's the King’s tower. In the top of the tower, King Magnifico has the wishes of all the citizens of Rosas stored. Now, Asha and her friends decided the people needed their wishes back, and they set out to free the wishes. Asha’s friends kept trying and trying to pull on the ropes to open the tower, but they just didn’t have the strength to get it open and free the wishes. Valentino, Asha’s adorable talking goat suggested they all grab a rope and jump off the ledge together, allowing the weight of all of them together to open up the roof. It worked!! Together, they did it! The top of the tower opened and wishes
started flying everywhere!
I have the best friends! And I’ve experienced the power of unity when friends come
alongside me. I have wanted to do a project, but I just didn’t quite know how to go about
it, and I was a little bit hesitant to do it on my own. But… my friends!!! They knew this
was important to me and when I shared with them what I wanted to do, they jumped
right in! One was my videographer, and another helped me with the interview. We spent
a couple of days together doing this, and we will do more in the future. I would not have
done this if I didn’t have my friends come alongside me. Together, we were able to put
together some really powerful and amazing stuff!
So, Just like Asha and her buddies, and me and my buddies, we've all got our own
special skills. But when we come together and work as a team, that's when the real
magic kicks in. It's like what Ecclesiastes says, "Two people are better off than one, for
they can help each other succeed" (Ecclesiastes 4:9). My kid translation: we're stronger
together! So, let's take that advice, guys. When we unite, there's no limit to what we can
do. So, let's join forces, chase our dreams, and spread that magic everywhere we go!