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Writer's pictureLeadership Harbor Coach

Riddle me this…

What is the one thing a person can do to improve their relationships, get a raise or

promotion AND build their confidence?

The ability to communicate effectively is the number one factor in career advancement for anyone.  This isn’t just a “they” say…. Harvard Business Review says it.  

Not only does it help you in your career, it will enhance your personal relationships, and better yet, increases your confidence.

Easier to be average…

Most people don’t want to embrace the process of developing as a communicator.  It’s too uncomfortable/scary/time consuming.  There are also some people who aren’t afraid to talk to a group or crowd of people.  They too embrace average.  

So why don’t people want to improve their communication?  Because it requires effort and time. It requires change in thought. 

What stops you?

Great speakers and communicators aren’t any more gifted than the rest of us. 

Most people believe that being a great speaker means natural talent.  This isn’t true. Developing as a communicator is far more a skill to be developed than a natural ability.  

Effective speaking really is a skill you can learn. I’ve seen it over and over again.  We simply start where you are and improve step by step through an orderly sequence of growth over a reasonable period of time.

Anyone can become a confident communicator. 

Here’s the catch:

You must be willing to take action!

It’s scary - I know.  Either you are fearful of taking action because you don’t feel ready or you don’t like the attention of being in the front of the room. 

If I told you there are a few simple tricks and tips to speaking/communicating better and you could learn them in a few hours, could you try it?  If the environment you learned in was fun and safe (Really!  I promise!) Would you give it a shot?

Being an effective communicator isn’t just about feeling confident in front of an audience. It’s about being able to add value to an audience. And anyone can learn to do that because it’s a process. The only thing you must do is be prepared to take action to start the growth process.

You don’t need to wait for anybody or anything. 

You don’t need to be anywhere else or have anything else.  

It’s just one small step.  

Let’s do this together!  

Set up a Discovery Session to discuss 1-2-1 Speaker Coaching or Jump into our next Speakers Club. (go to:  Your boss, employees, significant others, and kids will thank you.  More importantly, your confidence will grow!  And who doesn’t need a little more confidence in this world?

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