“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to

me.” Matthew 28:18 ESV
In this month's blog, I highlighted the sixteenth verse of Matthew 28, which references 11 disciples. Of course, we know that there were 12 disciples, one of which had betrayed you and subsequently taken his own life, Judas.
For three years, Jesus poured into the lives of 12 men, adding value to them. Yet one tried to turn this into personal gain and lost everything, including his soul.
Commentators vary in their theories about Judas's motives for betraying Jesus. The explanation I find most convincing is that Judas expected Jesus to be a military leader who would overthrow Roman rule. Judas followed Jesus, seeking personal gain, hoping to escape oppression and become part of the ruling class. Regardless of Judas's motives, the underlying theme was that he was in it for himself.
If you are in it (whatever “it” is for you) for yourself, that is not leadership; it is oppression. When oppressing people, all bets are off for how you are willing to maintain your position: strong,-arming, manipulation, and even murder become acceptable options. However, it is hard to add value to others when subtracting their head from their body.
So ask yourself, "Am I guiding others because I am following where God is leading, or do I have different motives?" To help answer this question, consider working with a coach and doing "core value" and "discover your why" exercises. Reflect on whether your actions align with God's directions.
Go, outlive your limits!
Your Coach - Aaron Jones
P.S. I would love to add more value to you and help multiply your leadership! Reach out to me or one of the Leadership Harbor coaches to set up a discovery coaching session or to join one of our fantastic leadership opportunities.