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Writer's pictureLeadership Harbor Coach

Creating the Win-Win Relationships - M$n$y and the Relationship

When it comes to Personal Finance - I’ve made LOTS of mistakes. The good part is that I’ve learned from most of them….I’ll admit a few took me longer to address and learn

from than others. And when it comes to the personal (me/spouse relationship) finance - I’ve made other mistakes. And these I apply to relationships all of the time. When we live only within ourselves and don’t balance the joint relationship financial goals, it leads to what I call “intense fellowship.” I know you have had these conversations, too. If you tell me that you really haven’t had these kinds of discussions, it’s because one of you is a saint. Funny thing is, if you claim to be the saint, I’ll know you are not! The saving grace for me - I’ve learned faster from my financial mistakes to get us, as a couple where we need to be in the area of finance. And for the personal part - I’ve used John Maxwell’s book, Winning with People, which helps me focus on the synergy of our relationship and work to create the win-win with our personal finances. I still have a long way to go. Maybe you are on the journey to do better as well?

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