“Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed

them.” Matthew 28:16 ESV
In the summer of 2002, the ministry I had been deeply involved in was shaken by the sudden death of one of its longtime leaders. Over 1,000 people attended the memorial service at the largest public venue in the city.
Touching Lives
After the service, a group of us gathered, reflecting on how much Beth had meant to us. As we looked around the room, it became clear that Beth's life had directly touched thousands of people.
Most of the people standing with me were leaders continuing the mission in various locations and cities. Beth had added value to our lives, and now we were adding value to others.
Matthew 28:16 is rarely quoted alone, as the following verses usually gain more attention. However, I want to highlight this verse for a specific reason. At that point, there were only 11 disciples. While Jesus had touched many lives and had many followers during his time on earth, he spent over three years intentionally adding value to these men's lives.
The Impact of 11...
As of 2023, there are an estimated 2.4 billion Christians worldwide. How did the impact of 11 men grow to encompass a third of the world's population?
The answer lies in addition that multiplies. Jesus added value to 11 people, who then intentionally added value to as many others as they could. The message to the eleven became a message to thousands, who added value to others, expanding into tens of thousands. Over the past two thousand years, this ripple effect has reached over 2.4 billion people living today and billions more who have died.
It is important to acknowledge that some people have a greater multiplying effect than others. Constantine influenced hundreds of thousands when he made Christianity the Roman religion. Billy Graham impacted hundreds of thousands, if not millions, and continues to do so even after his death. Beth influenced thousands throughout her life. The critical factor is not the size of the impact but the intentionality behind it.
Everyone who chooses to be a disciple of Jesus needs to apply what the disciples did in Matthew 28:16: “Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them” (Emphasis added). Disciples go where Jesus leads and do what Jesus requests.
Go, outlive your limits!
P.S. I would love to add more value to you and help multiply your leadership! Reach out to me or one of the Leadership Harbor coaches to set up a discovery coaching session or to join one of our fantastic leadership opportunities.