“... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 ESV
Any time I have a new experience or discover something new, I tell others about it, especially if I benefit from or enjoy it. I would wager you do the same or are at least willing to give your opinion if the conversation revolves around such topics.
This month, I discussed how discipline is about adding value to others for the right reasons based on our experiences. But what should the foundation of our experiences, reasons, and values be? That we are observing all that Christ has commanded us.
Jesus concludes the great commission by explaining how to make disciples and what the benefit is while you are doing it. We should teach others how to observe what Christ has commanded us. To do this, we had better have credibility (not perfection) and experience (attempts at living it out). FYI, there are other laws of leadership that back this up.
We are reassured that we are not alone in this effort. Jesus doesn’t just give a command and then mic-drop and bounce. He acknowledges that we will face self-doubt, struggles, and failures. Like any good mentor or coach, he lets us know he is right there to guide us through to the very end.
God takes it personally when we seek to add value to others—so personally that he gives us the instructions and tells us he is right there, invested in our journey. When we disciple, we have a partner who supports us every step of the way to the very end of the age!
Go, outlive your limits!
Your Coach - Aaron Jones
P.S. I would love to add more value to you and help multiply your leadership! Reach out to me or one of the Leadership Harbor coaches to set up a discovery coaching session or to join one of our fantastic leadership opportunities.